Tarifs & Réservation
Nos services
Nounou matin 3 heures
9h - 12h
Nounou matin 4 heures
8h - 12g
Nounou après-midi
1h - 18h or 12h - 17h
Tarifs nounou demi-journée
Nounou 8 heures
9h - 17h ou 10h - 18h
Nounou 10 heures
8h - 18h ou 9h - 19h
Tarifs nounou journée complète
Our Pricing
Nanny & Babysitter Rates
Tarifs de baby-sitting
Baby-sitting en soirée
À partir de
18h, minimum 3 heures
Baby-sitting pour le Nouvel An
À partir de
18h, minimum 3 heures
Le baby-sitting en soirée est réservé pour une durée minimale de 3 heures, et chaque heure supplémentaire est facturée 45 CHF par heure (90 CHF par heure pour le Nouvel An).
Dans la mesure du possible, nous ne demanderons pas d'heure de fin, vous offrant ainsi une flexibilité totale pour votre soirée.
Petit Verbier and Supreme ski and snowboard school have partnered up to bring you an exclusive new offer, The Ski Nanny. Our ski nanny is the best of both worlds. A private ski instructor to take your little ones out on the snow for the morning, whether it’s their first ski or whizzing around the mountain! As well as an afternoon of high quality childcare. We know it can be over whelming for children to meet lots of new people but our ski nanny gives your child complete continuity of care throughout the day, and our ski nanny has all of the training, qualifications and experience needed to provide a full day of fun!

5x Après-midi
1x Après-midi
Club pour enfants
Notre club pour enfants sera ouvert pendant les semaines de vacances du lundi au vendredi, ainsi que le samedi 30 et le dimanche 31 décembre.
Un minimum de 2 enfants est requis pour que le club pour enfants fonctionne à tout autre moment pendant la saison d'hiver.
Le club pour enfants fonctionne de 12h à 16h chaque jour et comprend un déjeuner chaud et une collation.
For the little ones at ski school who want to stay and play all day.
Our after ski kids club is designed together with ski school to provide a full day of fun for children aged 3-6 years old. Our experienced kids club leaders will pick up children from ski school at 12 or 12.30pm and take them back to our base for a hot two course lunch.
We organise games and activities with a big focus on being outdoors so children can continue playing in the snow. The activities will be different each day from forest adventures to rock climbing, sledging, singing and dancing, crafts and story time. The list goes on!
We meet back at our base for pick up at 4pm. You’ll find us at Route des Creux 14- close to Place Central.
Our kids club leader will be the same person for the entire week and will come and meet you on the first morning at ski school drop off so the children know who will be picking them up.
Age: 3 – 6yrs
Time: 12 – 4pm
Meeting point: We collect children from ski schools finishing at Medran or Place Blanche. Pick up at 4pm from our base at Route des Creux 14.
Price: 1 x afternoon = 100chf / 5 x afternoons = 460chf

Join us for our exciting Summer Saturday Club, designed for children aged 2 to 5 years old.
Every Saturday in July and August 2024, we have a fantastic lineup of activities and adventures planned. Each week, we’ll explore a new theme, immersing your child in a world of imagination and discovery.
Our Summer Saturday Club is all about embracing the great outdoors and enjoying nature-based activities. With the beautiful surroundings of Verbier as our playground, your child will have the opportunity to explore, learn, and have fun under the guidance of our experienced team.
Drop-off time is at 9am at our base, From there, children will head out for a day filled with outdoor exploration, crafts, games, and much more.
Please remember to pack a delicious packed lunch for your little one, as we’ll take breaks to enjoy a picnic together during the activities. Petit Verbier provide snacks and water to keep their energy levels up throughout the day.
2024 Dates Saturday club:
JULY 2024: 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th
AUGUST 2024: 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th
Age: 2 – 5yrs
Drop Off Time: 9am at the Office
Pick-Up Time: 4pm at the Office
Lunch: Packed lunch to be provided by parents (small snacks and drinks will be provided by Petit Verbier)
Price: 130chf per child, per day; receive a 10% discount for siblings or book all summer in advance and get a session free!

3 heures de ski / 4 heures de nounou
(pendant la haute saison)
9h - 16h
3 heures de ski / 3 heures de nounou
(hors saison)
9h - 15h
3 heures de ski / 4 heures de nounou
(hors saison)
9h - 16h
Nounou de ski suprême
Nous recommandons cette offre pour les enfants âgés de 2,5 ans et plus, et pour tirer le meilleur parti des cours de ski, nous conseillons de réserver 5 jours.
En réservant 5 jours ou plus, votre nounou viendra à votre logement la veille du premier cours pour une réunion préalable de 15 minutes avant le début de la réservation.
C'est un service privé d'instructeur et de nounou, mais comme toujours, nous nous efforçons d'offrir un service entièrement personnalisé. Donc, pour plus d'un enfant, des horaires alternatifs ou un service de nounou supplémentaire, veuillez nous contacter directement et nous serons ravis de trouver une solution adaptée à vous et votre famille.
Les Ski Nannies sont en nombre limité, nous vous recommandons donc de réserver à l'avance.
Semaines de haute saison :
16 décembre – 7 janvier
10 – 25 février
30 mars – 14 avril

For families in Verbier or Zermatt we provide a reliable service with a trusted nanny who has the experience and qualifications to give you peace of mind. The nanny will come to your hotel or chalet, bring toys and games and organise activities. Nannies can meet children at ski school and can even take them up the hill to meet you for lunch- they are trained to ensure your kids have a great holiday too!
We always aim to allocate the same nanny to your entire booking. You will receive your nannies profile ahead of your booking so your little ones know who to expect.
Nannies can be booked for up to 12 hours per day, we have a 4 hour minimum booking time and the minimum break time between shifts is 2 hours.
For full week bookings our nanny will come and meet you and the children once you arrive in resort, this is a chance to chat through your children’s routines and your requirements and see your nanny interact with the children.
Our team of nannies and babysitters are available for evening babysitting at your chalet or hotel. Our nannies and babysitters are highly experienced and will come prepared with games and bedtime stories. We will always allocate a babysitter whose experience matches the ages of the children they are caring for.
For evening bookings we have a 2 hour minimum booking time.
We will let you know your babysitter’s details in advance. For your first booking your babysitter will arrive 10 minutes early so you can show them around, advise on what you would like them to do and watch them interact with your child.
For frequent weekenders or for families living in the mountains we will match your requirements to a suitable nanny and every effort will be made to ensure the same nanny each booking.
We provide party organisers and entertainers as well as nannies and babysitters for weddings, events and corporate groups.
Families are often so happy with our service that they request one of our nannies to travel with them to other resorts. If you would like us to provide you with a nanny outside of Verbier please contact us
We provide a flexible and reliable service, fitting in around you and your children’s needs.